Directed to submit complete list of parks and playgrounds in Dhaka city

The High Court ordered to list all parks and playgrounds, stop construction of shops and ensure that people can use them. The mayor and other important persons have to follow these rules and report within six months.

The unplanned growth of cities is using up important spaces like parks and playgrounds. Urban planners say every half of a modern city should have a park or playground. CLPA

Dhaka has two major areas called City Corporation. Each area should have one playground per square kilometer. But, when we add the area of ​​both the city corporations, it comes to 305.47 sq km. That means they should have at least 610 playing fields, but they only have 235. This is much less than what they need. Also, 41 out of 129 parts of Dhaka have no playground. Due to this, about 28% people of Dhaka are not able to play and have fun outside.

There are not enough playgrounds for playing. Dhaka has only a few parks for children’s enjoyment and some are being used for commercial purposes. Many of these parks are not open to the public.

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